[Lazarus] IDEIntf: Extract PropHooks from PropEdits unit

Paul Ishenin webpirat at mail.ru
Fri Jan 22 15:59:19 CET 2010

22.01.2010 21:07, Alexander Klenin wrote:
>>>>> I continue refactoring of PropEdits unit.
>>>>> I am ready to extract TPropertyEditHook into a separate unit.
>>>>> Although Paul have given me commit access to IDEIntf,
>>>>> he requested that I ask before committing serious changes.
>>>>> So, is it ok to commit this refactoring?
>>>> No, it breaks compatibility.
>>> What compatibility?
>>> I have successfully re-built lazarus after the refactoring -- no files
>>> except
>>> propedits.pp required any changes.
>> Amazing, TPropertyEditHook is used in some IDE units.
>> What exactly do you want to move?
> At the current stage, I simply re-export TPropertyEditHook
> from propedits unit.
> Theoretically, after updating all dependent units
> this re-export might be removed, but there is no pressure --
> it is only a single line and can be postponed indefinitely.
Refactoring should not be the final goal. Refactoring usually used when 
something fit bad into the existing design. As Mattias I don't see the 
big need to extract all the propedit internals to other units - it will 
complicate the use of IDEIntf for other developers. Although some 
non-related to property editors code can be moved away.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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