[Lazarus] Lazarus is invisible?

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Sun Jan 24 07:29:54 CET 2010

2010/1/23 Mike Parr <mikeparr at live.com>:
> It seems to me that this is a major package, but it has (to my mind) zero
> prominence on the web.

Being a Delphi user too, I used to mention Lazarus and Free Pascal to
people in the Embarcadero newsgroups that complain about things like
"delphi doesn't have cross platfrom support", "kylix is dead, so what
do we us now" etc...

But apparently I pissed of way to many people doing that, and my time
for reading those newsgroups is very limited lately (having a family
and other responsibilities).

> 2.  When one eventually finds a link to it, this link goes straight to  a
> forum page.

This has been bugging me for age too. The link from the Free Pascal
page should take users to the Lazarus wiki site instead. The standard
Lazarus Website is definitely not a "product" page, but just a
location for the forums. Which I also think should be closed and users
should rather merge with the mailing list discussions. Having to many
options of where to ask questions is also not a good thing.

> 4.  No info on how many users, downloads, use on projects  (i.e no Advert)

Download count is managed and found on Lazarus SourceForge project
page. "use on projects", documentation, hints, etc are all on the Wiki

Not even the Lazarus LCL class documentation or the IDE
Help/Documentation is available on the Lazarus website. So "official"
Lazarus website should rather be the Wiki.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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