[Lazarus] FCL-Web and new WebDesign packages

Bee Jay bee.ography at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 11:30:48 CET 2010

> WebDesign: Adds a new 'form'-designer to Lazarus-trunk. It can be used
> to build websites. On Win32 there can be a live 'preview' of the
> website, when Gecko/XULRunner is installed on the system. For it to  
> work
> the fcl-web_joost branch of Freepascal has to be used. (Or copy the
> files in packages/fcl-web onto your checkout of fpc-trunk)

So, does it now only work on windows? On other platforms, I'm  
interested to use it on Mac, is it possible to work?

> The fcl-web_joost branch of fpc also adds some functionality for  
> server
> side and client side event handlers. It adds the basic abstract  
> methods
> for that and you can create plugins to handle them properly. The  
> jQuery
> package adds a plugin for jQuery, but the idea is that the same
> functionality can also be added for other java-toolkits, like ExtJS.  
> For
> some of the basic ideas I've looked at ExtPas.

Since ExtJS is already done by ExtPascal project, we could try on  
another toolkit. I propose to use Qooxdoo. I'm interested to do this  
since I intend to build eyeos-like web os using fcl-web. What should I  
do to use Qooxdoo with fcl-web?



...making buzzes at http://twitter.com/beezing
...writing stories at http://beeography.wordpress.com

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