[Lazarus] Fatal: Internal Error 20051152

Roland Turcan konf at rotursoft.sk
Thu Jan 28 10:30:23 CET 2010

On 1/27/2010 16:10, Matt Shaffer wrote:
> Keep in mind:
> 1. An outdated index.php could be a possible culprit, if it had any
> security vulnerabilities with it (although I highly doubt this)
> 2. Any  mods installed may have vulnerabilities
> 3. If the person updating the forum to 1.1.11 ignored warning messages
> about files not being writable, etc, there may still be an outdated file
> with a vulnerability from 1.1.10
> 4. SMF doesn't necessarily have to be the culprit. Exploits in other
> software may have given the intruder file/ftp access, allowing him to
> change any files anywhere.

and just to add to this and expand on my comment that i made earlier about 
frames with extremely high Z axis numbers... those that have been seen, caught 
and analyzed were done with postings in the forums where they happened... none 
of the content was actually messed with... the high Z axis number just ensured 
that that content was over the top of all other and made it appear that 
everything was done...

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