[Lazarus] Reconstructing Lazarus Website 4: the dev tool

Paul Ishenin webpirat at mail.ru
Sat Jan 30 17:52:01 CET 2010

30.01.2010 23:00, Bee Jay wrote:
> For development reason, I still prefer fpWeb. Yes, we would reinvent 
> the wheel, if we say in CMS world as there are many ready-to-use CMS 
> out there, though mostly build using PHP (and mysql). But, in pascal 
> world, it maybe the first CMS that's build using pascal. Besides, it 
> could be a best example and showcase for FPC/Lazarus. And for the 
> database, personally, I much prefer Firebird, for many reasons. But, 
> again, that's me.
As I remember some cms supports FireBird too.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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