[Lazarus] Parser

Adem listmember at letterboxes.org
Fri Jul 2 10:29:57 CEST 2010

  On 2010-07-02 10:55, Sven Barth wrote:
> It's not about escaping Pascal, but to grant the language new 
> possibilities.
> On Android phones you can only use Java to access all subsystems of 
> the device (e.g. GUI). You can access the framebuffer from native code 
> though, but directly drawing to a memory field is not the same as 
> using the available GUI classes. It has yet to be found out whether 
> you can access the JVM from a native application (not a native library 
> which is loaded by JVM).
> Also the new Windows Phone 7 series relies completly on .Net, so our 
> WinCE cross compiler is completly useless here (the usage of .Net is 
> enforced by the kernel itself). And Microsoft might also try to 
> prepare the way for full .Net desktop operating systems. Now that 
> they've discovered virtualization (Windows 7 XP Mode) the 
> compatibility problems might stop them no more. We might not see this 
> in Windows 8 and maybe not in Windows 9 either. But perhaps Windows 10 
> might be the big breaker of Win32?
> Free Pascal should be able to compile for these plattforms. But I 
> don't mind to use a completly different RTL and object model that 
> suits the targeted plattform, I only want to use the language which I 
> believe is superior to C# and Java.
All good and valid points. I respectfully retract my earlier comments in 
these very cases.

But, the unfortunate thing is, unless someone has already done it, no 
amount of valid reasons alone can assure that you'll get those 
capabilities added.

Why don't you consider organizing/initating something yourself?



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