[Lazarus] Nested frames

Torsten Bonde Christiansen tc at epidata.dk
Mon Jul 5 07:56:48 CEST 2010

On 2010-07-04 18:36, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> Are frames-within-frames reliable, or are they best avoided at present 
> for production code?
> I'm using frames on notebook pages to good effect, including creating 
> and destroying them at runtime as pages are added and removed. However 
> this morning I identified a visual control which could be usefully put 
> in its own frame with some extra methods and appear to have run into 
> problems.
> Despite the fact that the editing was done in 0.9.28, it won't reload 
> the project, telling me "Unable to find the unit of component 
> class...". 0.9.29 will load and compile, but I'm not sure that the 
> embedded control is being referenced correctly.
> Should I persevere, or is this still experimental and best avoided?
We have successfully used a 2-level nested frame setup - placed on a 
pagecontrol. It works like a charm... :)

Kind regards,
Torsten Bonde Christiansen.
EpiData Association.

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