[Lazarus] disable the debugger capturing the OutputDebugString() messages

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Sun Jul 18 18:49:36 CEST 2010

Hi again!

I took the time to implement a OutputToDebugMonitor myself. It prints 
the message directly to e.g. DebugView even if a debugger like GDB is 
attached to the process.

The only problem with that code is the license... it's based on the GPL 
code from ReactOS so I don't know whether it is considered a derived 
work or not. If it is, I'm afraid that you must use it in terms of the 
GPLv2 license or you must "cleanly reimplement" it to be on the safe 
side. If it isn't, then you're hereby free to use it under whatever 
terms you like.

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