[Lazarus] QueueAsyncCall() scheduling

waldo kitty wkitty42 at windstream.net
Sun Jul 18 22:27:19 CEST 2010

On 7/18/2010 10:09, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> waldo kitty wrote:
>> hunh? i thought a queue was an orderly format already... just like a stack...
>> like getting in the queue to get on the metro or to enter the stadium to see
>> your favorite band or to even buy lunch ;)
>> i must admit that i don't see the apparent difference :?
> So I take it you'd be happy if the last person to join the queue was always the
> first to be served, possibly taking the place of somebody currently /being/
> served. Whatever, that aspect is apparently being changed.

yeah, it was later that i caught the LIFO vs FIFO flow... my above is mainly 
that a stack and a queue are, at least to me, the same but then i always do FIFO 
except in extremely rare cases...

>>> Has anybody ever built a simple round-robin scheduler based on this, for example
>>> to handle low-speed comms on an indeterminate number of serial ports?
>> i haven't, yet :P
> I'm planning a crude hack, hopefully just a list of TDataEvent with control
> being distributed by a shim in a single async call procedure. However I've got
> some system management work that's intruding...

don'cha hate it when that happens? ;)

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