[Lazarus] Lazarus + FreeBSD
Michael Van Canneyt
michael at freepascal.org
Sat Jun 5 10:40:08 CEST 2010
On Fri, 4 Jun 2010, waldo kitty wrote:
> On 6/4/2010 07:26, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
>> On Fri, 4 Jun 2010, waldo kitty wrote:
>>> On 6/3/2010 14:33, Marc Santhoff wrote:
>>>> For practical reason it has always been the better way to install fpc
>>>> and lazarus per user, not globally in the systems /usr/local tree. It is
>>>> easier to swap compilers or mess with the sources of something that
>>>> otherwise would be r/o. Concluding there is no need for a binary package
>>>> if you ask me, I wouldn't use it - although I do use a precompiled fpc.
>>> what would it take for the various *nix flavor maintainers to fix
>>> their install scripts so that FPC and/or Lazarus were installed in
>>> this manner? it would definitely fix a lot of headaches when it comes
>>> to installing the prepared release packages...
>> Define 'in this manner' ?
> basically "per user"...
>> The FPC installs for *unix allow you to install wherever you want, provided
>> you have permissions for it.
> i've not seen that when i've installed the Laz packages that i've toyed with
> on my *buntu systems... yes, they are the integrated stable release
> packages...
I don't think Lazarus offers such a script. The FPC compiler itself can be
installed from a simple .tar file, wherever you want.
None of the OS packaging mechanisms (rpm, .deb) allow you to do a user install
(well, not without very complicated tricks)
> basically what i was looking at is that the SVN method offers greater
> capability but it also requires a greater understanding and comprehension of
> the underlying installation operation...
> in other words, there's no "install this FPC/Lazarus stable binary package"
> and then "install XYZ cross-compile add-on" repeating the last for each
> prospective platform that you want to provide for... the only current method
> is to install a release package and then do SVN updates to bring them up and
> add in the additional cross-compile tools necessary as Dimitrios Chr.
> Ioannidis wrote in his quite nice write up with .BAT examples and notes...
> this also ties directly in with my recent thread about why is there no simple
> and easy "install the base" and then "unzip this archive to 'there' with
> paths" to add cross-compile capabilities...
> as one who is still learning their way around the whole new environment, my
> point is that "newbies" (and "oldies" who are new to the Laz RAD environment)
> should be able to write a "hello world" app and easily cross-compile that for
> the other platforms they choose/need to support... "easily" mainly pointing
> at easily be able to add the other platforms' compilation capabilities since
> once they are in place, it is really nothing more than ticking a box and
> hitting the [DO IT] button ;)
> it is the adding of the other platforms cross-compilation items that's the
> real buggar and stop sign that currently gets in the way... or at least it
> has been a deep mystery of majikal incantations until the recent talks with
> the examples given...
Creating a cross-compile setup isn't easy and so not for the faint of heart.
This is also true if you want to do it for GCC.
It takes time, something we all lack; I think that is the main reason no
ready-made packages exist.
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