[Lazarus] Embedded database for Lazarus/Linux

waldo kitty wkitty42 at windstream.net
Sat Jun 19 00:44:21 CEST 2010

On 6/18/2010 17:07, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> On 18 June 2010 20:58, Henry Vermaak wrote:
>> How did you come to the conclusion that databases == slow?
> I guess with databases it depends on how well managed the database is,
> how well the database tables are designed, and how skilled the
> developer is at writing SQL.

indexes are another huge factor for having efficient databases... i can't count 
the number of times that i've created an index on a set of tables and the 
efficiency has gone up several magnitudes compared to what it used to be...

> I remember when I started at our company
> (which I worked at some years earlier too), the first thing I did was
> look where the program was slow. One report took 2-3 minutes to run. I
> looked at the code and simply said: WTF!  10 minutes of refactoring
> the code (undoing their mess) and rewrote the SQL statements... I got
> that initial 2-3 minute report down to 4 seconds.

kinda makes ya go "hummm..." :)

> So in summary, using a database doesn't instantly mean faster! Binary
> files or Databases - you still need a skilled developer to make it
> work.


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