[Lazarus] debug windows (docking) layout

Mattias Gärtner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Mon Mar 1 14:20:21 CET 2010

Zitat von Leslie Kaye <les.kaye at couchmansfarm.plus.com>:

> For my vote there would be no docking windows in the IDE
> This would result in there being a large amount of additional  
> eye-candy code to maintain for no good purpose.

That's why I and Marc proposed a dock manager instead of special IDE code.
DoDi is working on such a docking manager.

> Whilst the docked Delphi IDE is better than the undocked layout, it  
> is still a pain as windows get accidentally stuck to your mouse and  
> undock or drag to unwanted places.

The normal remedy is a 'lock' option .

> The main IDE window should have 3 principal Frames
> 1 Code
> 2 Form design
> 3 Debug
> then such features like component palette and code explorer  
> (converted to Frames) could be put onto the logical IDE Frame and  
> not clutter screen space when they are not in context.
> Is there any support for this idea?

That is 'special IDE' code. IMO a docking manager would be better.


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