[Lazarus] debug windows (docking) layout

Hans-Peter Diettrich DrDiettrich1 at aol.com
Mon Mar 1 22:01:06 CET 2010

Mattias Gärtner schrieb:

>> Whilst the docked Delphi IDE is better than the undocked layout, it is 
>> still a pain as windows get accidentally stuck to your mouse and 
>> undock or drag to unwanted places.
> The normal remedy is a 'lock' option .

The reason is the *immediate* drag start on MouseDown, what may be a 
suitable default for drag-drop operations (which do not affect the 
layout), but there is no need and no justification that drag-dock *also* 
should start immediately. If the user *wants* to dock a form or control, 
he *must* move the mouse to the new location, that typically is far more 
away than only 5 pixels.

This problem results from the evolution of drag-drop into drag-dock in 
Delphi, with both modes sharing the same DragImmediate and DragThreshold 

> That is 'special IDE' code. IMO a docking manager would be better.

ACK. When will we have fully functional additional editor windows?
[With additional code explorers à la Delphi...]

BTW all user actions (menus, commands...) should be routed to the 
currently active editor window, in MDI style manner.


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