[Lazarus] [BIDI] Patch for GTK2: Add Bidi to Menus

Zaher Dirkey parmaja at gmail.com
Sun May 2 00:13:21 CEST 2010

On 01/05/2010 16:33, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Sat, 01 May 2010 16:55:31 +0200
> Jörg Braun<jb at toolbox-mag.de>  wrote:
>> Hallo,
>> ich habe die Hauptdatei vollends übersetzt. Es war nicht den
>> Editorreitern nicht ganz einfach, ich hoffe, ich habe es richtig
>> hinbekommen.

A few remarks, including the english choice of wording. (which may 
itself be not ideal)

"Pages and Window"

Contains settings for the notebook-tabs, and multi-editor related stuff. 
On the first look it should then be called "Tabs and multi-editor", but:
- the word editor is already the caption of the parent node. So all the 
nodes in the editor section are about editors. (initially it was called 
"multi window")
- tabs (in english)  can be confused with the tab key (#09)

So I ended up with "Pages" to represent notebook tabs; and "windows" to 
indicate multi-editor)
Any better idea is welcome.

About the german translation:

1) Editoren mit selben Kriterien, => die 2te uebersetzung ist 
fehlerhaft. Im englischem heisst es "zuletzt fokussiertem Fenster" 
(Fenster fehlt derzeit in der Uebersetzung)
2) "Kriterien nach denen ein Editor gewaehlt wird" muesste sein 
"Prioritisierte Kriterien-liste, nach denen ...."
The list is evaluated top-down (entries are ordered by priority)


"in view" versus "in centered view"

The english choice of description is already bad, and better suggestions 
are welcome.

The background:
In the past many function that set the cursor (current debug line, jump 
to bookmark, jump to...) have in the past *always* set the cursor to the 
*exact* center of the screen.

As a result the editor always would scroll, even if the line was well 
within the visible area. That is irritating if you jump between 2 points 
that are both visible. Or in debugging, pressing F8 would always scroll 
(which again according to feedback I had, was seen as irritating)

The new concept (still work in progress), is to define an area of the 
screen as acceptable centered area. (depending on the height of the 
editor, between 2 and 8 lines from top/bottom), and avoid scrolling, if 
the jump-target-location  is in this area. ( locked-editors can use the 
full visible are, as they will not scroll, even if your jump target is 
right on the first (or last) visible line)

An unlocked editor should only be choosen, if the jump-target is in this 
area, because this means it will not need to scroll (not always true 
yet, work in progress)

Again, better naming is welcome.


I have updated some of the english descriptions, after reading the 
german translations.


In der deutschen Uebersetzung ist die Meldung fuer das erfolgreiche 
Kompilieren der IDE: ">>IDE<< beendet"

Sollte besser "IDE kompilieren beendet" sein? Schliesslich ist die IDE 
selber ja nicht beendet.


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