[Lazarus] componentscount in panel

Paul Ishenin webpirat at mail.ru
Wed May 12 13:59:48 CEST 2010

12.05.2010 19:46, Mattias Gärtner wrote:
>>> Yes, but that is not a regular container. TFrame is a special case.
>> Ah, the "special" case. There is always an exception to every LCL 
>> rule.  ;-)
> It's a FCL rule and it's not an exception.
> It's just because Lazarus hides many gory details that you *think* 
> that the rules are simple and uncommon cases like frames are exceptions.
I wrote special case because thread starter asked about ComponentCount. 
I supposed he don't know too deeply LCL or VCL and that's why I 
similified explanation and wrote that all components are owned by TForm. 
Frames and docked forms are more advanced things and that's why they are 
"special cases".

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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