[Lazarus] Error: Identifier not found "CreateaNewIsland1Click" - now compiles. Wrong form loaded
Peter E Williams
foss.game.pascal.developer at iinet.net.au
Sun May 23 21:56:20 CEST 2010
Hi Vannus & All,
Love and Friendship, Peter Eric Williams
+61 3 6236-9675 (home or leave a message) Mobile 044-99-256-50
Proudly created in Australia. Quality Cross-Platform Games since 1970
with a Commodore PET 4016 with 16 Kilobytes of RAM (not Megabytes).
On Sun, 2010-05-23 at 03:11 +0100, Vannus wrote:
> On 23 May 2010 00:56, Peter E Williams
> <foss.game.pascal.developer at iinet.net.au> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am now getting an identifier not found error. In the error
> messages
> window, if I select Help the lazarus cannot find the local
> HTML help
> file. I cannot find my way around the lazarus website. :-(
> >file set_max.pas
> Uses
> main_island;
> { set_max_form }
> procedure Tset_max_form.OK_buttonClick(Sender:
> TObject);
> begin
> > line 42
> CreateaNewIsland1Click(Sender);
> shouldn't this be main_island.CreateaNewIsland1Click(Sender); like
> below?
> //
> main_island.CreateaNewIsland1Click(Sender);
> end;
is correct. Now it compiles on my desktop (Linux Ubuntu 10.10 LTS)
Now the problem I have is that the default Form1 is in the project from
the default project & I cannot figure out where I add *my* forms to the
project and remove the default form1.
Please tell me where this is documented. I used the Lazarus menu option
(I'm on my laptop without Lazarus installed) to view the forms in the
project but I couldn't find the "add forms to project" option anywhere.
Also I could not find the project set default form or project name and
icon options.
This is compounded by the fact that the default path to the local html
help files is blank even tho' it is apparently installed!!! Where in
God's name is this documented?!?
I find the lazarus website to be massive and there appears to not be a
search option so that I can type in, Google style, what I am looking
Also, IIRC in the view forms in project dialog clicking on the Help
button does not do anything!!! Is this a bug?!? Surely if the help file
is not found then couldn't we just have a showmessage('Help file not
found!'); Maybe even print in the message window the path that it was
searching for the help file. Preferably such that one can copy the path
into a text editor, and then change the lazarus search path options (I
lose track of this menu option too!) Having the documentation to read
would really help!!!
I am having problems getting the latest updates on the laptop. So, I'll
need to investigate that.
Fond Regards,
Peter W.
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