[Lazarus] Sample code needed to create form at runtime only (see mock up below).
Peter E Williams
foss.game.pascal.developer at iinet.net.au
Sun Sep 5 11:18:49 CEST 2010
Hi Felipe and All,
On Sun, 2010-09-05 at 07:01 +0200, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 6:39 AM, Peter E Williams
> <foss.game.pascal.developer at iinet.net.au> wrote:
> > Questions:
> > 1) Does the Memo1, OK_Button and Cancel TButton need to be in a
> > TGroupBox???
> > 2) Also, should the TImage be in a TGroupBox???
> I think that to use the splitter you need to group the elements using
> a panel. I vaguely remember that if you have something like:
> Panel 1 - Splitter - Panel 2
My question is:
How do I create a TForm and TSplitter and 2 x TPanel's at runtime?!?
I would guess something like:
{ this code is all untested and typed straight into my email client }
procedure create_formA(
Image_filename : string; StringList1 : TStringList );
FormA : TForm;
Splitter1 : TSplitter;
Panel1, Panel2 : TPanel;
success_modal_result : boolean;
OK_button, Cancel_button : TButton;
Image1 : TImage;
FormA := TForm.Create; // Are there any parameters here????
FormA.caption := 'Image and Comments for ' + Image_filename;
Splitter1 := TSplitter.Create( FormA );
Splitter1.Parent := FormA;
Splitter1.Visible := True;
Splitter1.Align := alRight;
// do I need to set any other properties like Height, Width, Top,
Left ???
Panel1 := TPanel.Create( FormA );
Panel1.Parent := FormA;
Panel1.Visible := True;
Panel1.Align := alClient;
Memo1 := TMemo.Create( FormA );
Memo1.Parent := Panel1;
Memo1.Visible := True;
Memo1.Align := ?????????
// do I need to set any other properties like Height, Width, Top,
Left ???
// will this work ????
Memo1.Strings := StringList1.Strings;
OK_Button := TButton.Create( FormA );
OK_Button.Parent := FormA;
OK_Button.Visible := True;
OK_Button.ModalResult := mrOK;
OK_Button.Align := ????????????
// do I need to set any other properties like Height, Width, Top,
Left ???
Cancel_Button := TButton.Create( FormA );
Cancel_Button.Parent := FormA;
Cancel_Button.Visible := True;
Cancel_Button.ModalResult := mrCancel;
Cancel_Button.Align := ??????????
// do I need to set any other properties like Height, Width, Top,
Left ???
Panel2 := TPanel.Create( FormA );
Panel2.Parent := FormA;
Panel2.Visible := True;
Panel2.Align := alRight;
Image1 := TImage.Create( FormA );
Image1.Parent := Panel2;
Image1.Visible := True;
Image1.Align := ??????????
// do I need to set any other properties like Height, Width, Top,
Left ???
// will this work ????
if FileExists ( Image_filename ) then
Image1.Filename := Image_filename;
Image1.LoadFromFile( Image_filename );
showmessage( 'Error: Image filename "+ Image_filename + '" Cannot
be loaded because it does not exist.');
// Showmodal the form!!!
success_modal_result := (formA.showmodal = mrOK);
FormA.free; // free the form
// all the other components will automatically be freed because
// they were created with FormA as their create parameter.
I would appreciate it if anyone could be fill in the Align statement
question marks and comment on the code below the comments "will this
work ????".
> Then Panel 1 should have Align=alClient, Splitter.Align = alRight,
> Panel2.Align = alRight
> Yes, a group box would probably do it as well, but the panel is just
> as good and can be configured to have no borders and the user won't
> note he is in the form.
Best Regards,
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
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