[Lazarus] Major IDE editor problems

dhkblaszyk at zeelandnet.nl dhkblaszyk at zeelandnet.nl
Sat Apr 2 12:52:07 CEST 2011

   ZeelandNet Webmail   I have two major problems with the IDE editor.
As they are rather big I cannot believe they were not noted before, so
before I will create a bugreport I would like to ask here first.

Opening a C file will result in an AV. The file is loaded, but each time
you click on the editor the AV will show again
2. When making a typo in
the code, resulting in invalid code the codetools will create a couple
of messages in the message window, and move focus to the line with the
error. It is then impossible to move the cursor to correct the error, as
the focus is continuously brought back and the cursor itself as well. I
now have to start an external editor to fix the problem first, then
reload the corrected code in the editor before continuing.

I'm using:
Lazarus 0.9.31 r30121 FPC 2.4.3 i386-win32-win32/win64

Regards, Darius

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