[Lazarus] Console App Development

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Sat Aug 13 19:59:15 CEST 2011

On 13/08/2011 17:49, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> My other concern was memory consumption. I know I have no clue as to 
> what Lazarus IDE everything does, but I can say that for the generate 
> usage of loading a project with some 5-15 units open, code navigating 
> here and there etc.. the memory consumption of Lazarus is by 
> magnitudes more than MSEide. Regarding what I was test or using in the 
> editor, both IDE's had the same functionality. 

Well one thing, I noted is that MSEide does not seem to deal with nested 
comments, that opens the question how much context the remaining 
highlighting takes into account.
The more context is needed, the more time and memory it will cost.

There were plenty of reports (some by you IIRC Graeme) like "deprecated" 
being highlighted in the wrong place. That was fixed. But of course it 
requires to analyse the source much more detailed. (yet it is still fast)

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