[Lazarus] error building bigide from svn

John Stoneham captnjameskirk at gmail.com
Sat Feb 5 18:12:05 CET 2011

There is an error building bigide from svn, and I've notice it for all
revisions past 29368. Here's the error:

    tagraph.pas(412,17) Error: Call by var for arg no. 2 has to match
exactly: Got "TChart" expected "TComponent"
    lresources.pp(914,11) Hint: Found declaration:

 var TComponent,TFindComponentClassEvent,TComponent="nil",TComponent="nil",TComponent="nil");
    tagraph.pas(1371) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
    Fatal: Compilation aborted

That line in tagraph.pas is:
      ms, Result, @FindComponentClass, Owner, Parent, Owner);

Casting TComponent fixes the compile error:
      ms, TComponent(Result), @FindComponentClass, Owner, Parent, Owner);

I'm not sure if this fix causes any side effects (I haven't run into any
yet), but at least it compiles now.

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