[Lazarus] TortoiseSVN help.... error in Installing Lazarus wiki --- there is no download the source option

Peter E Williams pewslinuxvault at gmail.com
Tue Feb 8 19:15:18 CET 2011



After installing TortoiseSVN, download the sources from SVN using a URL for
each directory, see:
Dir: c:\freepascal\binutils\i386-win32\
Dir: c:\freepascal\fpc\2.4.3
URL: http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpc/branches/fixes_2_4/
Dir: c:\freepascal\laz
URL: http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/lazarus/trunk

Please see http://postimage.org/image/ypppd8kk/

TortoiseSVN_options.png // it shows all of the options and there is not a
"download" nor "download the source" option.... nothing like it.... what the
F at CK are you talking about.

Before you say read the manual... I have looked at the online help and there
are 8 million 900 and 65 screens to read... okay minor exaggeration for

Fond Regards, Peter Eric WILLIAMS
--- Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
--- Phone: +61 (03) 6236-9675
My free websites are:  http://pewink.info   (&)
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