[Lazarus] Can someone test, pleease - possible problem with dbg info

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Sat Jan 15 02:38:05 CET 2011

In lazarus /debugger/test/Gdbmi is a program TestGdbmi

If I insert a breakpoint at line 480 (either before start, or during 
run, then GDB reports :
 >> TCmdLineDebugger.SendCmdLn "-exec-continue"
<< TCmdLineDebugger.ReadLn "^error,msg="Warning:\nCannot insert 
breakpoint 9.\nError accessing memory address 0x18: Input/output error.\n"
   TGDBMIDebugger.ProcessResult Error: ,msg="Warning:\nCannot insert 
breakpoint 9.\nError accessing memory address 0x18: Input/output error.\
<< TCmdLineDebugger.ReadLn "(gdb) "

Can anyone try if they get the same?
fpc 2.4.2
lazarus uptodate0/9/31
dwarf -gw

Oh, and the problem goes away, if I use the external linker -Xe


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