[Lazarus] Namespace

Hans-Peter Diettrich DrDiettrich1 at aol.com
Wed Jan 12 11:37:32 CET 2011

Sven Barth schrieb:

>> When namespaces correspond to unit names, i.e. disk files, a
>> disambiguation is always possible by adding the parent directory to the
>> unit name. This is not implemented, because there never existed an
>> urgent need for such an extension, but it would always end up in unique
>> references, because file systems disallow for duplicate file names
>> within a folder. Not so for namespaces...
> That idea has a little problem: In Pascal ABC and abc are the same 
> identifiers while on most Linux filesystems ABC and abc are two 
> different "identifiers".

Right, this problem had to be handled already. Wirth also made 
successors of Pascal case-sensitive, but is this something we really want?


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