[Lazarus] Purpose of TShellTreeView.ShowRoot

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Sun Jan 16 22:18:20 CET 2011

On 16.01.2011 20:43, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 3:50 PM, Sven Barth<pascaldragon at googlemail.com>  wrote:
>> I'm currently testing around on the TShell* controls and came to the
>> ShowRoot property now.
>> 1. Why is this property duplicated in Options as well?
>> 2. What's the purpose of this property? I personally thought that it would
>> allow me to show/hide the root node (e.g. on Linux "/" by default or the
>> root set in the "Root" property), but changing it to "false" just hides all
>> extend signs in the tree (and thus the subdirectories can no longer be
>> extended).
> I don't know, but both Options and ShowRoot are implemented by
> TCustomTreeView, not in the shell controls.
> Delphi docs for reference:
> http://docs.embarcadero.com/products/rad_studio/delphiAndcpp2009/HelpUpdate2/EN/html/delphivclwin32/ComCtrls_TCustomTreeView_ShowRoot.html
> http://lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net/docs/lcl/comctrls/tcustomtreeview.options.html
> Options doesn't seam to exist in Delphi. Probably someone added this
> option because he didn't know that the ShowRoot property existed.

Thanks for the answer.

What an unintuitive property...


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