[Lazarus] Accessing MS SQLServer database from Lazarus/FPC?

Marcos Douglas md at delfire.net
Mon Jan 24 12:17:14 CET 2011

On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 7:25 PM, Bo Berglund <bo.berglund at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 19:25:35 -0200, Marcos Douglas <md at delfire.net>
>>See this tutorial to build FPC and Lazarus on Windows:
> The instructions tell me to download FPC 2.5.1 but I don't want that,
> I want to just *recompile* my 2.4.2 with the single source change
> being the patch of sqldb.pp I received in a post here.

I changed to /fpc/branches/fixes_2_4/

> It also tells me to get binutil stuff from a fpc fixes branch,
> http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpcbuild/branches/fixes_2_4/install/binw32
> using TortoiseSVN, but when I try that exactly nothing happens. :-(
> Then I tried this command line command (all on one line):
> svn co
> http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpcbuild/branches/fixes_2_4/install/binw32
> binw32

In the Windows Explorer, click on right button on a folder (follow the
tutorial) and after click "SVN Checkout".

> But it stalled completely, nothing was shown unlike when I retrieved
> the lazarus sources.
> Next:
> The URL when clicked normally in a browser opens a page with a set of
> exe files, though.
> Am I supposed to click and download these one by one? It takes about a
> minute or more for each of the 4 files I have tried and there are many
> more (actually 29 files more). Why isn't there a zipfile with all of
> these binaries so that one can download a single file to get the
> binutils?

NO! Do the same above.

> Then I am asked to get 2.5.1 trunk sources from SVN and make a clean
> install from these....

I changed to 2.4.3 version now...

> Isn't there a simpler way????

The simpler way is use the installer.

> When I already have a working fpc 2.4.2 can't I build a new fpc where
> the single change is the sqldb.pp modification????

YES, you can! Just use the BAT in the tutorial. They serve to any
version of FPC.

> Isn't there a command similar to rebuilding lazarus that works for FPC
> itself?
> These instructions seem to be geared towards building FPC from scratch
> without having anything at all....

No, I use the same BAT files always I want to rebuild the FPC.
For Lazarus, just use the BAT only once. After you have the IDE, use
the Build option on Lazarus' menu.

Marcos Douglas

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