[Lazarus] Trying to use TProcess to run Open Office calc

Mark E. Skeels meskeels at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 17:42:03 CEST 2011

Hello, All,

I'm trying to run the following code.

It runs if I leave the option line commented out.

If I uncomment the option line it hangs.

This did not happen until I downloaded the latest version of Open Office 
this AM.

I was running Open Office 3.1. (worked as expected)

I am now running Open Office 3.3. (hangs and Open Office Calc never starts)

I saw the warnings about using pipes and reading information back; I am 
not doing any of this; just trying to open the spreadsheet, edit it, and 
close it while waiting to return in the Lazarus program.

When I reset the debugger calc opens as expected.

I'm running under Windows Vista.

Any idea what is going on, please?

   AProcess := TProcess.Create(nil);

   AProcess.CommandLine := 'C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 
3\program\scalc.exe ' + CurrentProcessFileName;

//    AProcess.Options := AProcess.Options + [poWaitOnExit];





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