[Lazarus] Laz Barcodes

José Mejuto joshyfun at gmail.com
Sat Jul 23 12:24:24 CEST 2011

Hello Lazarus-List,

I had added a new set of components to Lazarus CCR

to generate, currently, 2D barcodes:

* QR
* MicroQR
* Aztec
* Aztec Rune
* DataMatrix

The backend has been ported from Zint
http://sourceforge.net/projects/zint/ "C" sources, so I think the
license should be the same, GPL 3.0.

I wish to add a wiki page but I can't remind how to do it using the
template :-? Can anybody please refresh my mind ?

The code has been tested only in Win32 by now using Lazarus SVN and
fpc SVN too.

PS: I think Silvio was looking for something like this some
weeks/months back.

Best regards,

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