[Lazarus] Error running under windows mobile 6.5

"Arí Ricardo Ody" aro52 at gmx.com
Sat Jul 30 21:57:27 CEST 2011

 I compile and ran the single project that can be found at


 and it ran ok;
 I open the “Project Options|Paths” and change the “LCL Widget Type(various)” to “wince(beta)”;
 I open the “Project Otions|Code generation” and change “Target OS(-T)” to “WinCE” and
 “Target CPU family(-P)” to “arm”;
 Compile the project(no errors);
 Go to my Samsung Omni Pro windows phone running Windows Mobile 6.5;
 Create the directory “testes_sqlite” in the root directory;
 Copy “browseslqiteprj.exe”, dbteste.db and slqite3.dll to the directory create in the item 6 above;
 Double click in the “browseslqiteprj.exe”. Windows Mobile asks for authorization because my executable is not of known author. I click “yes”. Then I receive the message “'browsesqliteprj' is not a valid Windows CE application”

 May someone tell me what is the problem?

 Is there a special DLL to use SQLite in windows CE(or mobile)?

 Is there a way of make windows mobile show lazarus programs execution errors? As they are showed in windows or linux?

 Greetings from Sao Paulo - Brazil

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