[Lazarus] FPDoc tracker

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Sat Jul 16 20:28:02 CEST 2011

On 16 July 2011 18:33, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
> Not really related to multi-language, but one thing that puts me off
> from commiting more documentation improvements is that I cannot see
> any results ... in a wiki the improvements can be seen imediately, so
> I can review the work and get more ideas for improving.

Umm, why not generate the help yourself?  Instantly see the results,
continue editing, generate help, review, repeat...  :-)

Generating HTML, IPF, RTF, Text, Man Pages do not require any 3rd
party libraries or tools. Generating PDF output requires  LaTeX -
about a 100-150MB download if your distro doesn't include it as

Due to the latter *huge* requirement, I am busy reworking the RTF
output writer. This will at least allow you to generate "working with
hyperlinked" RTF output, then simply open it with OpenOffice and
export to PDF. Much quicker and no huge downloads required [because
OpenOffice / LibreOffice comes standard with most Linux distros - I
don't use other OS's].

> I have no idea how often the fpc web documentation is updated, but an
> automatic daily update would be excelent ...

I think Michael's idea is to only publish the latest "released FPC"
version's documentation online, or downloadable in PDF form.

And if you didn't bother to read the README.DOCS file in the fpc docs
repository, to generate FPC's class documentation, it is as easy as

HTML output:
  $ make rtl.chk fcl.chk FPCSRCDIR=/path/to/fpc/source

IPF output (fpGUI & OS/2 INF help)
  $ make rtl.chk fcl.chk HTMLFMT=ipf  FPCSRCDIR=/path/to/fpc/source

CHM output:
  $ make rtl.chk fcl.chk HTMLFMT=chm FPCSRCDIR=/path/to/fpc/source


  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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