[Lazarus] Building Lazarus for Windows

Marcos Douglas md at delfire.net
Mon Jul 18 13:15:38 CEST 2011

2011/7/18 Frank Church <vfclists at gmail.com>:
> I noticed that the Make path was empty, and after comparing to the other
> installations it seems that the ..\fpc\bin\i386-32 did not contain the full
> set of files. There were only 48 files the compared with the 70 or so in the
> others, and make was one of the missing ones. The package recompile was
> using the wrong set of utilities. The problem may have been in the FPC
> compilation. So back to the drawing board on that.

Did you do each step this tutorial?
Try do not change anything. Just follow the tuturial.

The binaries in ..\fpc\bin\i386-32 are made by Make. If you do not
compile FPC with success some files may not have been generated.

Marcos Douglas

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