[Lazarus] Problem with SQLite commit in Lazarus

Max Vlasov max.vlasov at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 11:55:34 CEST 2011

On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 6:28 AM, Howard Lee Harkness <
howard.lee.harkness at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am guessing that I am missing some basic detail in the setup
> somewhere, or not understanding some subtlety in the operation of
> SQLite. I would greatly appreciate somebody sending me a clue on how
> to deal with this. TIA!
> --

Howard, looking at the file
I suggest you to set breakpoints in StartdbTransaction and CommitRetaining
and look at the call stack for the place that starts and ends the
transaction without your intervention. The only problem could be the fpc
sources usually compiled without debug info, don't know whether this
applicable to fpc packages.

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