[Lazarus] More explorations with tiOPF

Henry Vermaak henry.vermaak at gmail.com
Tue Mar 15 16:32:48 CET 2011

On 15 March 2011 15:03, Graeme Geldenhuys <graemeg.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
> Op 2011-03-15 15:49, Sven Barth het geskryf:
>> While the type-safety can potentially lead to problems when non-Pascal
>> systems access the database as well, I wouldn't describe SQLite (btw:
>> only one "L" ;) ) as half-baked. It was a decision of the developers to
>> allow this (although one might argue how they came to such a decision...).
> Which such decisions, I'll always call them half-backed. I was trying to
> find the original MySQL article I was reading the other day that show that
> HUGE flaw with data integrity, then I came across another website listing
> about 20 other huge flaws of MySQL. Some where quite ridiculous, like
> inserting data, but when reading that data back, the values have changed
> because of overflow issues etc.. Your data has NO guaranteed to be safe in
> MySQL - probably why it is so popular for toy projects like websites [where
> data clearly has no great valuable].

I've actually enjoyed this thread up to now, but it's getting up to
the flamebait and fud stage.  Facebook primarily uses MySQL, as do
many other of your "toy" applications.  Perhaps this kind of ranting
can be reserved for your blog?


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