[Lazarus] [OT] About licences

Kjow antispammoni at gmail.com
Tue Mar 29 10:25:38 CEST 2011

2011/3/26 Marco van de Voort <marcov at stack.nl>:
> If I understood it correctly, MPL is pretty much a corporate wording of the
> MPL is incompatible with GPL/LGPL, but since Lazarus/FPC use
> LGPL-with-exception, I don't know if that still creates a problem, since
> that exception essentially defangs the copyleft.

> Both LGPL and MPL only pertain to the bits that they apply to, not to the
> rest of the project.
> The GPL is different, and the ancinerella bit is a big issue, which would
> make the whole thing GPL. (there are some exceptions though)

Hi, I'm sorry for delay.
So, if I use LGPL/MPL products, but I don't modify headers or original
codes I should use they without problems in commercial/closed-source
projects, right?

About Audorra/Acinerella... how can be Audorra under MPL if the use of
acinerella make the project GPL?
So, if I use Audorra, that links acinerella, shouldn't be that
acinerella clauses apply only to audorra?

> No, copyright is automatic. Just claim you wrote it in the header, that
> should be enough. (and afaik that is not even necessary, but makes disputes
> easier)

Well, so I need only a my own disclaimer where I say that the software
is developed by me, that they can't use names or logos without
permissions and that advises users that they use my software at own
risks, blah blah, etc etc, right?


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