[Lazarus] Lazarus Help

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 12:22:48 CEST 2011

On 30/03/2011 12:13, Michael Schnell wrote:
> If DocView really is good, stable and open source, I don't see why its
> not integrated

Because DocView is a part of the fpGUI Toolkit project, and probably 
because MacOSX is not officially supported by fpGUI yet. And yes, 
docview is open-source, its included with fpGUI.

> The online help _can_ be downloaded and accessed in a file (there are
> instructions and I once managed to get it running).

Yes I know about the class API help (using fpdoc), but what about the 
wiki (IDE + general Lazarus) help?

   - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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