[Lazarus] cwstring in arm-linux

Luca Olivetti luca at wetron.es
Thu Oct 20 17:30:55 CEST 2011

Al 20/10/2011 16:34, En/na Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho ha escrit:

> The switch is really easy. There are routines which are equivalent to
> all operations done previously.

But you have to manually (or semi-automatically) do it, which is a lot 
of work and possibly error prone.
While, with utf-16, you shouldn't change any routine name at all, unless 
you have to deal with characters outside the BMP.
According to this message

"Additionally, 16 bits is enough to cover the BMP, Basic Multilingual
Plane, which encompasses the majority of today's most widely used
languages. Only when you get to more advanced codepoints in some of the
far-eastern languages, or are needing to encode dead languages such as
Egyption hieroglyphics do you need more than 16 bits."

Luca Olivetti
Wetron Automation Technology http://www.wetron.es
Tel. +34 935883004 (Ext.133)  Fax +34 935883007

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