[Lazarus] TLMMouseEvent now lacks "state"

Luiz Americo Pereira Camara luizmed at oi.com.br
Thu Oct 27 13:41:43 CEST 2011

On 27/10/2011 05:37, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
> It is also relevant to note that it is rather messy like it is now,
> with 2 versions of TreeView in the Lazarus-CCR being that the newer
> one depends on an external package ... the external package should be
> moved to the CCR or copied there for private use of the
> VirtualTreeView, and the older one removed.

It's all history:

- The old port was developed by christian, but had some limitations that 
would lead to much work to be fixed (more than a new port)
- So i started a new port in another repository (at the time BountySource)
- In 2007, in a discussion with Vincent Snjiders he asked to mirror in 
- To avoid the extra work i decided to move entirely to CCR with the 
condition to be in charge of the direction of the port. The dependency 
kept in my repo (no special reason)

So, my position:

- Delete the old VTV and update the wiki: ask christian
- Move the lclextensions to CCR: no problem
- Move VTV to Lazarus: not now, it would open a can of worms. Believe me.
- Changes like Felipe one is welcome but i'd like to be at least 
informed. It's a rule of Lazarus-CCR government that each one stay with 
your projects

BTW: VTV trunk is unstable and buggy given the introduction of 
(unfinished) features and incompatibilities in the Delphi repository. 
The actively developed with stable API and with many bug fixes is the 
4.8 branch.


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