[Lazarus] Right click, paste as string?

Reinier Olislagers reinierolislagers at gmail.com
Sat Apr 21 16:44:33 CEST 2012

On 21-4-2012 16:23, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> On 21 April 2012 11:40, Reinier Olislagers <reinierolislagers at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I.e. indenting, appending quotes and + sign, and escaping existing
>> quotes. (In this case, it's SQL and having an extra space at the end of
>> the line before the closing quote would be even nicer but that's
>> something of a special case)
>> Is that possible in Lazarus?
> It is not currently available in Lazarus, but as suggested it might be
> in 'Lazarus Data Desktop'.
> Alternatively, I maintain a stand-alone tool called tiSQLEditor
> (mainly for use with tiOPF) which does exactly what you mentioned with
> indentation etc. It can also do the reverse so you can copy string SQL
> from your code and paste it back into tiSQLEditor as a query. The name
> tiSQLEditor is a bit deceiving, as it is much more than just a SQL
> editor, but the other functionality is more related to tiOPF. If you
> are interested, I can send you a pre-compiled executable. Just let me
> know what platform and what database server you connect too (I mainly
> use Firebird).
Sounds nice, Graeme, I'll shoot you an email...

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