[Lazarus] Lazarus 1.0 release candidate 1 available for download

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 15:51:53 CEST 2012


On 3 August 2012 14:28, Mattias Gaertner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de> wrote:
> "make all" does not build lhelp.

Why not? I though LHelp is now the default help viewer, and CHM help
should work out of the box?

> Have you installed the chmhelppkg?

I shouldn't need to, especially when we were told "help now works out
of the box".

> Not in custom builds. The binaries were built with "make bigide" and
> includes the chm files in docs/chm.

The README.txt doesn't mention that 'make clean all' is a custom build
instruction. That is not how other Linux apps (compiled from source)
works either. 'make all' is the standard build instruction to get a
default setup for any linux apps compiled from source. Any other
'make' parameters are considered "custom builds".

To quote the README.txt

You don't need ./configure, just do

  $ make clean all

This will create the lazarus executable. Start it and enjoy.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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