[Lazarus] Block indent config

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Tue Aug 7 18:08:38 CEST 2012

On 07/08/2012 17:03, Jürgen Hestermann wrote:
> Am 2012-08-07 17:52, schrieb Martin:
>> The 2 drop downs configure the indent that is triggered by the function.
>> The check box configures if [tab] should trigger the function (or if 
>> only ctrl-i)
>> Indenting with tab, or ctrl-i can indent the selection using spaces 
>> or using tab-characters
> That's extremly confusing.
> If "Tab indents blocks" is unchecked I do not expect the 2 following 
> settings having any effect.
> At least a hint is needed that says that these settings still apply 
> for Ctrl+I/U.
> And why do these setting change after each install?
> I am changing it often but it keeps coming back.
> And the settings are not easy to find because
> 1.) the split into spaces and tabs shows no expected number 2 (instead 
> it is 1 space + 1 tab)
> 2.) I don't pay much attention because I expect these settings to have 
> no meaning anyway when "Tab indents blocks" is unchecked

Were do you expect the config for the ctrl-i indent to come from?

This section is "Tab and indent" so it is not tab only....

I updated the help 

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