[Lazarus] Lazarus shortcuts conflict with windows shortcuts

Reinier Olislagers reinierolislagers at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 09:41:59 CEST 2012

On 15-8-2012 9:22, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Aug 2012 08:18:15 +0200
> Reinier Olislagers <reinierolislagers at gmail.com> wrote:
>> [...]
>> @Mattias: yes, you're right, you can modify the xml file. Then you'd get
>> into scripting that changes xml files. Not something I'd look forward to
>> as an admin, but certainly doable. To each his own, I'd guess.
> You don't need to edit the xml file directly.
> You can simply use the IDE to setup the keys as you want and then copy
> the editoroptions.xml to the target's machine /etc/lazarus folder. When
> the pupil starts the IDE for the first time he gets your keys.
> And can alter them.
> It's the same for any options of the IDE.
> Mattias
Thanks, Mattias.

I was having trouble seeing how parts of environmentoptions.xml could be
edited/set while leaving others alone (e.g. set compiler path, leave
other settings alone)... but probably my aversion to XML files is
playing up again and there might be many tools that already provide for
merging XML files...


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