[Lazarus] GTK2: Drag files to other applications (to the file manager, Thunar, Nautilus, etc)

Bernd prof7bit at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 10:58:54 CEST 2012

2012/8/22 Hans-Peter Diettrich <DrDiettrich1 at aol.com>:

> What's complex in providing a list of filenames, in a TStrings object, and
> let the RTL/FCL do the rest?

It needs not only the drag data but also needs window handles (on
xorg) and it needs to intercept mouse and keyboard events (on windows)
to give visual feedback during the drag and determine when to drop and
needs to fire events in the widgets that are involved. Since all this
is highly GUI related stuff  and *all* cross platform widgetset APIs
(GTK, Qt) provide a convenient and complete platform independent API
for it I don't see why one should not prefer these APIs over the
native ones.

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