[Lazarus] New user interface for future major releases of Lazarus

Felipe Ferreira da Silva felipe_ferreira_da_silva at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 4 12:47:58 CET 2012

Well, the good thing is to give the two modes of GUI, the classic with 
floating-forms and the docked. So the user could make the choice.

About the AnchorDocking. I am planing to use it, but I will modify. I 
have made some modifications already (the title bars of the dockable 
forms is nice now - not like that win 9X look). Also, when I tried to 
use the AnchorDocking, I get back to the classic GUI because the 
designer form still was separated. One of the advantages of make the 
docking feature built-in is that could be possible to "attatch" the 
designer form too, like in Delphi(docked versions) with a dashed border 
around it.

Of course, I'm not mentioning that everything will be done from scratch. 
The important codes will be held.

*It is the first time I'm using this mailing list, so I don't know if I 
will do anything wrong :)
- Felipe Ferreira da Silva

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