[Lazarus] New user interface for future major releases of Lazarus

Massimo Soricetti notturno at quipo.it
Tue Dec 4 15:46:30 CET 2012

Il 04/12/2012 13:55, Felipe Ferreira da Silva ha scritto:
> 2) I agree that the interface of VS and Eclipise(which is very ugly) 
> is for big displays... but look at your display! It is big, mine is 
> only 1024x768. Don't you think that the title-bar of each windows on 
> Lazarus is a unused space?

Well, I like to see as much code I can on screen, and vars window too, 
and trace variables window (with many vars), and as much info I can get 
in general, so I end up having a very crowded monitor.

But more important, I don't like wasted space... and yes, it would be 
cool to eliminate title bars, maybe using "onmouseover" popup balloons 
when the pointer rests near the top border for a second or two :-)

Another cool useful thing: tabbed compiler messages window.
Now Lazarus (as many other IDEs) reports a lot of unimportant messages 
mixed with those really interesting, i.e. I'm not interested in compiler 
info or warnings if there are compiler errors. It would be nice to group 
errors, warnings and info in different tabs, so one could focus on 
important messages. Moreover, there would be much less need to scroll 
the message queue to find what I'm after at the moment.

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