[Lazarus] semaphore

Antonio Fortuny a.fortuny at sitasoftware.lu
Thu Feb 16 17:04:34 CET 2012

Hi all.

On an OpenSuse 12.1, Lazarus 0.9.31, FPC 2.4.4 I can't create a semaphore

     LockerS: Integer;
     SemKey: Integer;

       SemKey := strToIntDef(ESemaphoreKey.Text, -1);
       if SemKey = -1 then
       LockerS := semget(SemKey, 1, 0666 + IPC_CREAT + IPC_EXCL);
       if LockerS >= 0 then begin
         // got the semaphore: initialize it
         Args.Val := 1;
         Ret := semctl(LockerS, 0, SEM_SETVAL, Args);
         if Ret >= 0 then begin
           // semaphore locked; get out
           Operation.sem_op := -1; //reduce the semaphore count to lock
           Operation.sem_num := 0; //signifies 0th semaphore
           Operation.sem_flg := IPC_EXCL;  // fail if key exists
           Ret := semop(LockerS, @Operation,1);
           if Ret >= 0 then
       end else begin
         LastError := errno;
         LastErrorText := strerror(LastError);
         Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('semaphore locker not created 
errno:%d-%s', [LastError, LastErrorText]));

*semget *always returns -1 with errno set to 2 (?) whatever the contents 
of *SemKey* could be.

What is wrong ?


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