[Lazarus] Lazarus slow on large files

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Thu Feb 16 09:40:23 CET 2012

Am 15.02.2012 23:21, schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:
> On 15 February 2012 15:40, Sven Barth  wrote:
>> This does not help if some features that one needs (or wants) are only
>> implemented in trunk... (yes, I'm aware that one could merge manually, but
>> it's far easier for me to just use trunk)
> Stability is more important to me than the latest eye-candy. I use
> Lazarus (and MSEide) for work. I don't have time to fight with newly
> introduced bugs, which appear constantly in Lazarus Trunk. The stable
> branch 0.9.30.x has everything I need to get my work done -
> uninterrupted. I only made some mods to synedit (visual improvements
> and better TAB character support), and runtime customisable File Open
> filters.

Firstoff: I understand your reasons. But mine are also valid: trunk 
contains many feature that make my life easier. Especially full support 
for FPC 2.6.0 or newer (I don't know whether you patched your 0.9.30.x 
or not), support for generics and helper types (mostly because I develop 
them and only secondly, because I use them). Recently also the support 
for the JVM language extensions and then little gems like this: 
http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=21047 (look also at the comments, 
to see what I mean). This improves my workspeed when converting C code 
(which I like to do ;) ) a lot.

> Try Git, it makes merging between branches, or keeping local mods up
> to date, much easier than SVN.

I like Git (I used git-svn when working on the generic improvements in 
FPC), but as I said: I personally(!) prefer to use trunk. And thus my 
workflow is usually this (this way I can be sure that I get the latest 
changes... a git mirror might be out of sync):

cd /mnt/data/subversion/lazarus
svn up
svn export . /mnt/data/applications/lazarus/0.9.31-new
cd /mnt/data/applications/lazarus/0.9.31-new
make all OPT="-dWithSynInfo -dWithSynOverviewGutter -Xg"
[Testing new lazarus and if okay:]
cd ..
rm -r 0.9.31-old
mv 0.9.31 0.9.31-old
mv 0.9.31-new 0.9.31

Maybe somewhen I'll pack the two parts into a lovely script (maybe using 
instantfpc) and that's it :)


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