[Lazarus] I made a visualization of the Lazarus SVN repository

Everton Vieira tonvieira at gmail.com
Sat Feb 18 12:40:56 CET 2012

2012/2/18 Everton Vieira <tonvieira at gmail.com>

> 2012/2/17 Juha Manninen <juha.manninen62 at gmail.com>
>> 2012/2/17, Everton Vieira <tonvieira at gmail.com>:
>> > Em 17/02/2012, às 15:41, Juha Manninen escreveu:
>> >> Everton, start providing patches. It is easy and secure! :)
>> >
>> > Always that I can I will :) And you fly a lot brother! That`s so nice.
>> Sure
>> > you have a very large view of it. Wish i had too.
>> I don't really have so big view. The existing code must be studied
>> always when creating new code. A good IDE with its code browsing and
>> other features is important then, it works as an extension of the
>> brains.
>> > Well, I had the idea that would be good to integrate in the IDE the
>> process
>> > of bug report and patching. Today is too diffuse this work and many
>> doesn't
>> > even know what it is. Make integrate in the IDE would make more
>> concentrated
>> > and visible.
>> Do you have problems now creating bug reports and patches? What kind
>> of problems?
> None.
>> I don't know how, and why, should patching be integrated in IDE. A
>> patch is easy to make with "svn diff" for example.
> I know, but let's make visible in the IDE.
>> The difficult part
>> is actually creating high quality code for a big project of over 1 000
>> 000 LOC. There is no simple trick to make that easy.
> I know too, that's why many like me are afraid of it.
>> Integrating bug reporting into IDE would have benefits if the IDE can
>> trap an exception and include details of it in the report, together
>> with info about the environment, and send it (semi-)automatically
>> somewhere.
>> Until that is implemented, the current issue tracker works very well IMO.
> I know too, the idea is only a front end, or by start, a link in the IDE,
> would do.
>> Juha
> Understand, the idea is much more about to make visible than anything
> else. At least by now.

And in that, could be thinking something about this movie too, it has to be
more visible than is today.

>> --
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> --
> Everton Vieira.

Everton Vieira.
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