[Lazarus] Lazarus and FPC teams need direction for marketing/promotion

Fabio Luis Girardi fluisgirardi at gmail.com
Sat Feb 25 18:42:02 CET 2012

> I often find myself needing a library ported to FPC.  Recently I came
> across the Lucene project.  With Lucene developers can create full
> text search / document searches.  I need a lucene component or
> something like it.  Enterprise search is BIG.  It would be ideal.
> Then you get in the search engines for Lucene keyword and voila - a
> developer is going to evaluate Lazarus/FPC for adoption.  But the more
> developed these components are the better chance will be for the
> developer to recommend Lazarus.  And for the firm/institution will
> approve it.

Yes, more components improve the chance of an developer recommend Lazarus.
I do it, because the team made by Lazarus+FPC is very powerful. If the
Lazarus Team will follow this philosophy (more is better), my contribution
is the PascalSCADA project, and if it's adopted, I'll drop the Delphi
support from it (I'm thinking when I'll drop the Delphi support, it
increases my headaches).

The development of project website is stopped now, but in some days I'll
put something like that "PascalSCADA recomends Lazarus+FPC" to convert
Delphi users in Lazarus users.

The best regards,

Fabio Luis Girardi
PascalSCADA Project
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