[Lazarus] fcl-stl / thashset question

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Mon Feb 27 09:19:25 CET 2012

On Mon, 27 Feb 2012 06:18:59 +0100
Hans-Peter Diettrich <DrDiettrich1 at aol.com> wrote:

> John Repucci schrieb:
> > I'm attempting to use thashset from the fcl-stl unit.
> > 
> > It appears that fcl-stl is not compiled with the fpc that comes with 
> > Lazarus-0.9.31-35589-fpc-2.6.1-20120225-win32. 

2.6.1 does not install them.
2.7.1 does. At least under Linux and OS X.

I don't know why 2.6.1 does not install them. Maybe they were not
stable. You could ask on the fpc list.

> > While fcl-stl is in the source, it is not found in the units directory 
> > tree.  (this is also true of fpc-2.7.1.i386-win32 that I downloaded 
> > yesterday).

Please create a bug report for fpc.

> I have ghashset.ppu and .o in fcl-stl/units/i386-win32.

That's only the precompiled version.
He was asking about the installed version of the ppu file.

> > Any suggestions how I might get a version of fpc that includes fcl-stl?
> IMO it's a Lazarus only problem. 

No. What fpc installs and what no is entirely up to the FPC team.

> The Lazarus *fcl package* includes only *very* few fcl units.

Yes, only those that register design time items in Lazarus.

> Try to add the required unit(s) directly to your 
> project, and accept adding the recommended unit search path. You 
> probably can remove the unit reference afterwards, when the added path 
> is sufficient (untested). 

It would be better to fix this in the fpc packages.

> A proper solution should add all FCL units to 
> the Lazarus fcl package, though.



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