[Lazarus] One thank.

Everton Vieira tonvieira at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 13:46:32 CET 2012

I know the mailing list is the standard today, in many places not just
here. But is unclear in his lack of formated data, maybe something like the
bug tracker to discuss inprovements in which that info like the one you
just sended about the TLabel and FocusControl could be added as notes.
Would be much more clear.

2012/2/24 Juha Manninen <juha.manninen62 at gmail.com>

> 2012/2/24 Everton Vieira <tonvieira at gmail.com>
>> Is there any way, besides the unclear way of try to colect some coments
>> in the mailing list about the acceptance of a specific improment? Of
>> course, no one wants to throw away his work.
> Mailing list is a good place. If your idea is not good then it will be
> noticed early on and you don't need to make useless code.
> Good GUI design is especially difficult because it is always subjective,
> based on people's opinions, habits and preferences.
> About your idea of TLabel + the closest TWinControl, Taborder dialog may
> not be a good place for it. Anchor editor would be better but it is already
> full of stuff and it is meant for all controls. Your feature is only for
> TLabel.
> Maybe best would be a popup menu item in designer when right clicking a
> label.
> Juha
> --
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Everton Vieira.
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