[Lazarus] WinCE task bar

Antonio Fortuny a.fortuny at sitasoftware.lu
Fri Jul 6 14:13:43 CEST 2012

Le 06/07/2012 13:59, Antonio Fortuny a écrit :
> Hi ALl.
> Do you know any method to completely hide the top taskbar on a WinCE 5 
> handheld device ?
> The following snippet works
> but it only disables the topmost taskkbar so the true clickable 
> taskbar cannot be dropped down
> BTW, at the bottom of the screen theare are two more buttons: the 
> Windows button on the bootom left and the OK (sometimes a cross) 
> button on the bottom right. Is it any way to hide or disable them ?
> var
>     FTaskHandle : THandle;
>   FTaskHandle := FindWindow('HHTaskBar', nil);
>   ShowWindow(FTaskHandle, SW_HIDE);
>   WindowState := wsMaximized
> {$ENDIF}
After some tests I've got the answer for the first item.
Intert this snippet into the FormCreate event:
   FTaskHandle := FindWindow('HHTaskBar', nil);
   ShowWindow(FTaskHandle, SW_HIDE);

and the next one in the FormShow event
   Height := Screen.Height;
   Width := Screen.Width;
   Top := 0;
   Left := 0;
   WindowState := wsMaximized
The topmost taskbar is hidden bte the bottom one not so my form shown 
below the bottom taskbar.


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